C.A.S.E. 2019 – Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine


China Annual Students Exchange (C.A.S.E.) 2019 took place between April 4th – 18th. Check ACATCM’s Flickr Page for more photos.

The trip in Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine:


The delegation of the Sino North American Partnership for Traditional Chinese Medicine (SNAPTCM) and Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACATCM) concluded a successful discussion with the Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine management team.

Mingren Cheng, the Secretary of the party committee of the Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine delivered a welcome speech. Mr. Cheng expressed his confidence in the success of further cooperation with ACATCM in the areas of TCM research, technology, and experiential exchange.


Dr. Benny Xu, as the representative of SNAPTCM and ACATCM, highlighted the challenges and opportunities of TCM in Canada and the development of ACATCM in the last 20 years. In his talk, he emphasized the significance of Heat-sensitive Moxibustion technology, which is gaining in popularity in Alberta, and the construction of ‘Heat-sensitive Moxibustion town’. He pointed out that such a project would spur the growth of TCM in Canada.

Mr. Gongliang Yang presented the impact of Heat-sensitive Moxibustion to local residents since its introduction to Canada. He brought up the further perspective of TCM and Heat-sensitive Moxibustion development in Canada, the technical support will become the most important aspect in the strategy.

At the end of the meeting, the Jiangxi University of TCM and ACATCM signed a strategic partnership agreement pointing to a bright future of cooperation for these two academic institutions. Wish the best to the development of TCM in Canadian society!