C.A.S.E 2019 – The Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of TCM


China Annual Students Exchange (C.A.S.E.) 2019 took place between April 4th – 18th. Check ACATCM’s Flickr Page for more photos.

Visiting the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of TCM:

Observing Heat-sensitive Moxibustion at the source was an exciting experience. The delegation had the chance to learn Heat-sensitive Moxibustion from its founder.

Later on that day, the group visited the Jiangxi Heat-sensitive Moxibustion Hospital, observed the Heat-sensitive Moxibustion operation process and technical essentials. Dr. Rixin Chen answered questions the students have had while using Heat-sensitive Moxibustion. Dr. Rixin Chen gave advice and guidance on how to best use the technique.

The hospital showed the supporting technologies for Heat-sensitive Moxibustion to the delegation. The most eye-catching is the new generation of Heat-sensitive Moxibustion robots. These robots simulate human hands and improve the efficiency.